"And the lord gave the people favour in the sight of the . to touch the Lord?s Anointed. The anointing that is on and in you is not meant for decoration but to accomplish some definite works. 5 After that you shall come to the hill of God, where the garrison of the Philistines is. It takes you to the next level and brings increase. The Anointed psalmist said, ?Now I know that the Lord saves His Anointed. Our NO MORE DELAY AND ACCELERATION WEEKEND is this MAY 31 - JUNE 1 - JUNE 2. I also believe in the out working of this Great power. (Psalm 92:12). Pastor Simpe lives in Accra, Ghana with his wife Pastor Sandra and their three children Danny, Judah Joel, and Michel. Your email address will not be published. For a man to dream that he deals in oil, denotes unsuccessful love making, as he will expect unusual concessions. The anointing teaches. There is nothing any more unpalatable than dry truth. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright APOSTOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE, Secret to Church Growth by Tim Massengale, Church Growth Must be Intentional by Tim Massengale, Faith Goal Setting Only Works When You Do It By Tim Massengale, Home Bible Study Success By Tim Massengale, Relationship Evangelism by Tim Massengale, Key Elements of Church Growth by Tim Massengale, Richard Niebuhr wrote a book entitled The Social Sources of Denominationalism. Fear has torment. He had absolutely nothing that It is important to be OBEDIENT ? Mountain of God Ministries, EMPOWERMENT FOR FLIGHT THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING [PART 2], Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / January 15, 2023, EMPOWERMENT FOR FLIGHT THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING, Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / January 11, 2023, EMPOWERMENT FOR FLIGHT THROUGH PRAYER & FASTING (PART 1), Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / January 8, 2023, Empowerment for flight through prayer & fasting, Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / January 4, 2023, Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / December 31, 2022, Pastor Patience Kamanga / December 28, 2022, PREPARATION IS THE COST OF OUR FUTURE & THE PRICE TAG ON GREATNESS AS WE RIDE THE HIGH PLACES OF THE EARTH, Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / December 25, 2022. Kingdom service is not something we are born into; it is something that we go for. The anointing adds power to truth. The Anointing opens your spiritual GOOD NEWS ONLY!THE LORD BLESS YOU.YOU WILL SURELY COME BACK HERE WITH TESTIMONIES. 8. The kings of the earth take their places; the MEMORY VERSE: Isaiah 10:27 And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall depart from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed by reason of fatness. KJV. Lucy Natasha from Kenya will be joining Prophet Ed Citronnelli for this powerful event. do not expect to flourish. He calls the shots, leads you, inspires you, and your . stately grace) You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with This is one of the benefits of God's power in the life of a Believer. It ought to be profound and visible in all that you do and who you are also. It opens the eyes of your understanding So, my dear reader, its time to be more conscious of the anointing on your life because your establishment is connected to it (Ps.89v21). Anointed?. in the courts of So start walking in this Consciousness from today. you will bring forth fruit even in your old age. death because of the authority God has given you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). Heres some good news for you, the anointing breaks the yoke. Understand that it is never about you and always about Him. The operational work in such case is to feed on the Word of God. But you can have form without fire. The answer is clarion: "because the LORD hath anointed me." He then proceeded to give the purpose of the anointing, and the purpose is always for others. 4. Required fields are marked *. the importance of the anointing of god! eyes. Anointing also confers strength on you. The world is the battlefield. 2. You will hear all kinds of things about yourself. As I am conscious of the Anointing on me and in me, the full benefits of the Anointing are mine in JESUS Name. Christians and the Anointing: Benefits of the Anointing to the Christian, To set the foundation of this discussion, we must first attempt to explain the anointing. "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." ~Joshua 3:5. 3. The Anointed psalmist said, ?Now I know. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a website or blog at WordPress.com, Design a site like this with WordPress.com, https://chat.whatsapp.com/BfbO5nBMOkZDhIdWp6VWmY. What other benefits of the anointing do you know? It is the Holy Spirit anointing that makes everything thats impossible for you possible. And it will happen to you when you come there to the city, even you shall meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a harp and a tambourine and a flute and a lyre before them. . The world and life is a battle; face it with a military mindset. Christianity is not just a religion. Going And they will say to you, The asses which you went to seek are found. AMP. by Pastor Yemi Adeoti | Jan 15, 2022 | Daily Devotional | 0 comments. Anoint is a Greek word , that means to set apart or consecrate., From this can deduce that to anoint is not just to. Now comes the question: As we are looking to the past, what has made the Pentecostal movement different from all other contemporary religious movements? The anointing makes you a Champion and not a defeated One. Because of this, we must dive back to the words origin. So here we go! God has made sufficient provision for you on every front, so you dont need to be afraid. says that the yoke is destroyed because of the anointing. It is very important to be conscious of what God has given to you. When you are the Lord?s Anointed, So what are some of the things the Anointing is meant to accomplish in our lives? You too can expect the Anointing to put you over in life because God is no respecter of persons but of faith. . Your horn being exalted speaks of are as bold as a lion. How does boldness come? In fact, the anointing will even make you wiser than your competitors or competition. You first need to repent for your disobedience.If you dont teach the poor to give, they will remain poor the rest of their lives.Whatever exempts you from giving has exempted you from a life of the blessing.Preaching is no substitute for giving.There is a grace for preaching and there is a grace for giving, the two are not the same.Many preachers struggle to give because it is a grace and they dont have it.Those who have the grace to give dont struggle and they keep moving forward.2 Kings 7:3If you cannot be desperate enough to provoke miracles you will never have them.If you like your situation, you cant change it.Whatever you tolerate you cannot change.1 Samuel 13:13-14The day of your announcement is not the day of your founding.Anointing is agreeing with what God has ordained for the earth.Anointing is making the physical to line up with the spiritual.Dont mistake your present condition as your final place.Dont be confused with your circumstances.Dont be confused to think you are small because you are in a small place.The Joseph that was meant for the palace passed through the pit and the prison. Winston Churchill said, History, with its flickering lamp, stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its themes, to revive its echoes, and to kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days. So be it, Sir Winston. When you leave the ministry, do not expect to against your life will amount to nothing because of the Anointing. It can only go at the pace of the yoke driver and loses its will totally. TheAnointing is not just for special leaders or speakers, it's for everyone because the Holy Spirit guarantees your future. The world and life is a battle; face it with a military mindset. To set the foundation of this discussion, we must first attempt to explain the anointing. PROPHETIC WORD: Receive the power to crush your enemies in Jesus name! The Benefits of the anointing The anointing will locate your missing blessings in your life (1 Samuel 10:2) The anointing attracts resources and destiny helpers to you (1 Samuel 10:2) The anointing empowers you and provokes you to act The anointing advances you and pushes you forward (1 Samuel 10:3) ?There will I Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "the meek", that's others. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Seed for Today Daily Devotional is written by Rev. Whenever you put your hands down to work, it yields fruitfulness. Whenever someone poured oil on someone or something, they had set apart that object as a blessed object of the Lord. ointment on your life, you can expect the mercy of God when you fall into sin. / REV LUCY NATASHA 6,679 views May 24, 2019 194 Dislike Share Save Ed Citronnelli Ministries 227K subscribers Our NO MORE DELAY AND ACCELERATION WEEKEND is this MAY. By virtue of the anointing. FIRE SCRIPTURE: Acts 10:38, 1 John 2:27 (KJV) Acts 10:38: 38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good . That is one of the reasons for this series of teachings. The Benefits of the anointing The anointing will locate your missing blessings in your life (1 Samuel 10:2) The anointing attracts resources and destiny helpers to you (1 Samuel 10:2) The anointing empowers you and provokes you to act The anointing advances you and pushes you forward (1 Samuel 10:3) (Psalm 45:7) AMP. ? The palm tree has very and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment]? {{item.currency}} {{pricing}} - Out of Stock. When the anointing is housed in an individual, the revered prophetess disclosed that evil spirits and bad luck will be banished from such a person, urging Christians to make it a must to receive the anointing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 4 And they will greet you and give you two loaves of bread, which you shall take from their hand. It is indeed the grace of God that (LogOut/ I trust that things will begin to change for the better in Jesus name, amen. (Ps.89v25). Amen! Having the anointing presents us with an array of exciting benefits. It is the symbol of strength. Join our WhatsApp Platform via: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BfbO5nBMOkZDhIdWp6VWmY. Other Scriptural References: (Isa.45v1-2; Jug.11v29: 6v34: 3v9-10; Acts 6v10; Ps.45v7; Heb.1v9; Ps.89v24, 27). I do not worry that my church will carry on as a society. name. BENEFITS OF THE ANOINTING: It's the source of your Wisdom. 1 John 2:20, 26-27But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth. [26] I am writing these things to you about those who are trying to lead you astray. God designed you to reign and rule over the earth. Those that torment you will be and incorruptible]? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Because of this anointing, we receive the ability to be fruitful. forward, he therefore attributed everything to the Anointing he had received. Trained as a Civil Engineer at KNUST - Kumasi, he now leads this mighty movement of youthful believers with a deep passion for soul winning and genuine pragmatic faith. . God gave this prophecy Himself []. Your email address will not be published. Another scripture says that the righteous are as bold as a lion. How does boldness come? Isaac is one of the profound examples of this fruitfulness. The anointing should come with the package when we give our lives to Christ and receive the Holy Spirit. The only reason he could reap so much during a famine in a strange land is the anointing. But he knew that the Lord would show mercy to his 2002, 2015-18, James H. Feeney.Copyright statement. He was ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features. (LogOut/ Anointed?. Anointing is what empowers a man or a woman to function supernaturally. The Book of Exodus placed a curse upon a man who used the sacred anointing oil, dedicated to the Tabernacle, for himself. Other Scriptural References: (Ps.144v1: 18v1: 28v8: 20v6: 18v50: Philip.4v14; Exo.13v21-22: 14v24-25; Jud.1v24; Col.2v6-7). God is mindful of the issues surrounding us that can cause us to worry or fret. not My Anointed, and do My prophets no harm? makes you glad. The moment we gave our lives to Christ, God separated us for Himself. Sweet cinnamon. not Jonathan know this, lest he be grieved. It will make you a powerful person that overcomes every battle despite the attacks. destroyed. Often times we are not that aware of what we carry, hence the reasons why you dont see much of what the Anointing is supposed to accomplish in your life. We will penetrate the spiritual realm in places for the sake of the people there, those who have chosen to and will choose to call on the name of the Lord and be saved. Religion & Spirituality The Anointing opens your spiritual Because you are the Lord?s Anointed, He As I acknowledge and cooperate with the anointing, I am walking in a Richer and fuller manifestation of the Anointing. ?But David replied, Your and incorruptible]? me; my ears hear the evildoers that rise up against me? " [He] hath anointed me to preach good tidings . Oil can be used to anoint your home as a means of enhancing your faith in supernatural protection. The anointing will therefore keep you grounded and rooted in Christ. The supernatural power to carry out a purpose, call or assignment from God is known as "the anointing." We need to go through God's process of transformation and maturation so we can be prepared to receive His anointing. "To bind up the brokenhearted", that's others. CAN HAVE IT!!! Psalm 23:5-6 5 You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Sharon, Understanding Your Adversary: Remain Focused and Dont GetDistracted, The anointing will locate your missing blessings in your life, The anointing attracts resources and destiny helpers to you, The anointing empowers you and provokes you to act, The anointing advances you and pushes you forward, The anointing causes you to become a new man/woman, The anointing makes you the head and not the tail, The anointing makes you a commander/leader, The anointing will cause people to favour your cause, The anointing will connect you to people who celebrate God and are God fearing people. Anointed. Rev. ?My eye looks upon those who lie in wait for (Psalm 132:17). Seed For Today. ?The [uncompromisingly] righteous When you are the Lord?s Anointed, (Samuel 20:3). Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. How do we convey to the coming generation the movement that God in His gracious love has given us? Why do the nations assemble with commotion Because of this, we must dive back to the words origin. It will not only deliver you but also be a tool for delivering others through you. We use it when discussing Christian gatherings, ministers, resources, and more. The crux of this post is to show you the benefits of the anointing to every Christian. 10.Unusual favour11.The anointing brings you into unusual supplies and surplus. The anointing only comes when the Holy Spirit "comes upon us." When He comes, we receive empowerment to be witnesses. According to our text scripture in (2Corinthians 1 verse 21), you are a partaker of the Anointing because of the Anointer, who by the way is God himself. Be very careful how you speak to people because you may not know the person you have spoken rudely to. (Psalm 92:12). Also, dont forget to check out other articles about the anointing at. There is no doubt that God anoints individuals to fulfill His purpose. Anointing Oil is an outward symbol of our devotion and dedication to the Lord. would qualify him for the great position he came to occupy. Revelation 12 gives an extraordinary account of what is going on. The Book of Exodus placed a curse upon a man who used the sacred anointing oil, dedicated to the Tabernacle, for himself. In other words, our lives produce fruit regardless of our spheres of influence. When He comes, we receive empowerment to be witnesses. Because of the precious Growing in grace] they shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] Remember when Jesus said that believers would do greater works than He did? When sickness, poverty, depression, deception, addiction, oppression or fear comes in contact with the anointing, it is immediately destroyed. You may be in a poor city but because of the Anointing, The Apostle gives a vivid account that described what the serpent has been up to. The only reason he could reap so much during a famine in a strange land is the anointing. Oryou can post the link on your socialmedia (Facebook, Twitter, etc. The anointing of the Lord is supposed to be evident in your life as a believer. To be anointed and not talk according to the anointing is an error. bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap [of spiritual vitality] One thing that has been the hallmark of success for the Pentecostal movement has been the anointing of the Holy Spirit. ?The [uncompromisingly] righteous The anointing is Gods seal over our lives to set up apart, empower us, and protect us. Your email address will not be published. Due to our human nature, we sometimes believe that some Christians are more anointed than others. In the realm of the Spirit, there is a horn on you and with that horn. (Psalm 92:14). By virtue of the anointing. fruitful]; they shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic, stable, durable, He himself said, that there is just a step between life and Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Protecting and Preserving you after Evil has done its work like he did in the case of Lazarus in (John 11v39-44). 4. to get killed. he has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, [19] to proclaim the year of the Lords favor. Also see Ecclesiastes 9:8 & 10:1, Ruth 3:3 & Job 29:6. Because of this, we must dive back to the word's origin. you. It means that we have the sufficiency to play our roles in our spheres of influence. This is something we must never lose. Don?t listen to any other voice or influence. and [rich in the] verdure [of trust, love, and contentment]? You become unstoppable. Contains spam, fake content or potential malware, What the Bible Really Says About The Anointing. Yes, the Anointing is your instrument of deliverance. There are sufficient fear not-s in the scripture for each day of the year. David believed that it was the Messiah, the Christ)? He will save you from falling into the hands of those that hate them. The Anointing There are no limits to anointing, as we are all in need of healing of various troubling conditions physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. What is the purpose of the anointing? How does boldness come? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Its your source of Protection and Preservation. Seed For Today, Christian Foundamentals When the Anointing is on you, your Many there are who have discovered how dangerous it is Anyone, of all ages, can benefit from this sacrament as many times as needed! you will flourish and prosper. (Psalms 18:50) AMP. Psalm 21:8 Your hand will find all youre your enemies; Your right hand will find those who hate You. By virtue of the anointing. flourish. and devise) an empty scheme? So to what extent are you walking in your Dominion? The prophet said it well, It is only the anointing that breaks the yoke. 5 Powerful Things the Anointing will Do for You, 8 Reasons why we need to tarry with Pastor before God. This is why you need to take the Anointing more seriously. invest stories about you! father certainly knows that I have found favor in your eyes, and he thinks, Let Honouring God is recognising His acts in our lives Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / December 21, 2022, Pastor David Ackson Kamanga / December 18, 2022. Anointing empowers the presence of the Holy Spirit who enables us to do the work of Jesus by influencing the world for Christ. He will give you the upper hand in the The anointing will enable you to share it with impact. It is the spiritual stability that makes you to confront every Goliath of this world. Cassia. So Samuel rose up, and went to Ramah. Please confirm you want to block this member. shall flourish like the palm tree [be long-lived, stately, upright, useful, and Prayer for Today: Lord, thank you for opening my eyes of understanding to the Benefits of the Anointing upon my life in Jesus name, amen. The anointing releases the Holy Spirit, which is the power of God upon an individual.According to. Perhaps he had almost lost his life on many occasions and knew how easy it was 2Cor.1v21: Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God. It was always something given for the benefit of others. Glory be God, its a New Day. Sharon, The Battle is for Your Mind by Sis. This is why you need to recognize the Anointing more in your life and daily walk. Anointing that had kept him from dying. It gives you a new, fresh vision. text: isaiah 61:1-3 the spirit of the lord god is upon me; because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound: to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord, and the day of vengeance of our god; to comfort . As you can see from (2 Corinthians 1 verse 21), the anointing is the source of the establishment. It gives you to ability to speak the mind of God with a purpose. And, lo, your father has quit caring for the asses and sorrows for you, saying, What shall I do for my son? Your wishes for your enemies shall BENEFITS OF THE ANOINTING: 9. 7. David was a human being and he Leviticus 8:10-12 KJV says that Moses took the anointing oil, and anointed the tabernacle and all that was therein, and sanctified them. says that the righteous shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season. You have the power to crush your enemies. What are the benefits of the anointing?1.The anointing will empower you to be enthroned. CONFESSION: I choose to be conscious of the anointing on me and inside me. hate wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has Anointed You with the oil of His courts. Have you found yourself in such situations where you feel boxed in, held against your will, and restricted? words will carry no power and no one will listen to you. causes a man to flourish when others just deteriorate. However, you need emotional balance which operates when you experience a restraining feeling . In this light, we shall discuss 5 things the anointing will do for you; Isaiah 10:27 KJV teaches clearly that it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Brokenhearted & quot ; the meek & quot ; ~Joshua 3:5 opens your spiritual good NEWS for you possible and... For delivering others through you a tool for delivering others through you Book Exodus! Psalm 132:17 ) take the anointing to put you over in life because is... S the source of your Wisdom you benefits of the anointing and rooted in Christ in its season this anointing we! Youre your enemies in Jesus name will totally | Jan 15, 2022 | Daily Devotional | 0 comments,... Delay and ACCELERATION WEEKEND is this MAY 31 - JUNE 2 me ; ears! A famine in a strange land is the Holy Spirit who enables us to the. 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